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Giving space to ideas and quality to space: a central philosophy that Tacchini expresses not only through its products, but also throghout every aspect of the company. It’s an approach embodied in the new headquarters, designed by Roberto Grossi, that lie in the countryside between Como and Milan. Set in two luminous floors of dynamic yet simple design, Tacchini’s collections share the space with the firm’s business development, management and production activities. The new headquarters are a confidential statement made by a brand rich in original, creative values – wich has achieved great success in Italy and abroad.

With its furniture, Tacchini wants to improve home and public spaces’ quality, in a world dominated by constant changing in needs, technologies and new lifestyles. That’s why Tacchini always analyses and improves its products and services with passion, creativity and responsibility. The result is an uninterrupted “work in progress” of original and versatile solutions, suitable for every environment and situation, able to arouse emotions day by day and to last in time.

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